Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Future Collonists in Mars Will Manage Suitcase Nuclear Reactor.

Dream of humans to be able to go to Mars and stay there is not yet stopped. As NASA plans to go to Mars is a prediction for the future of the colony has come thought. Imagine this -- Future Collonists in Mars Will Manage Suitcase Nuclear Reactor

The term "nuclear briefcase" was not a popular connotation in recent years, but the researchers call the 242nd National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society this week that interplanetary this concept the future of space travel. The scientific support for a joint NASA / DOE provides to develop project future power plants in the space colonists first insight into the performance, as the suitcase-size could fission reactors, the future space explorers to quickly and reliably in the harsh environment of another planet like Mars.

This mini-reactors, which do not escape through cooling towers or vapor clouds of them. Instead, they stand about two feet high and maybe a foot wide, with an inner splitting of uranium and a capacity compact folded inside. Unlike solar systems are often in use on interplanetary missions - such as Spirit and Opportunity rover now on Mars - a small gap could be the kind of stable and constant supply is necessary for the survival of humanity from another planet.

This is the key to establishing a beachhead on another planet, like everything, life support systems (intake of oxygen and carbon dioxide cleaning, for example) for the treatment of water to keep the lights and heating / cooling is about the energy around the clock. Any error in the power supply, and people are dependent on fast systems are in poor condition.

Future Mars Colonists Will Pack Their Power to Go in a Suitcase Nuclear Reactor. Moreover, the nuclear suitcase weapons that fit in the overhead during future Space Shuttle, the payment of audit costs. The joint NASA / DOE initiative is expected to produce a demonstration unit of work next year.
Discovery News

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